Learning To See With Your Heart

The past several months I am recognizing that our society is filled with such strife. As an empath, there are days it has left me emotionally drained. As a licensed professional counselor, I have a preference to quickly resolve the problem. To replace this disheartening division with a sense of connectivity. To encourage a return to compassion without bias and judgment. To experience seeing people first with the heart. As I pondered a solution to these currently existing problems, I began to recognize the journey to not just see others first with our heart, but also, to see ourselves first with our heart. I have talked with many who struggle to fully accept parts of themselves. They see their own selves through eyes of guilt, shame, or judgment. And in the end, this clouds our vision, and we begin to walk through this world blindly. Perhaps as an empath I am a dreamer, but as licensed professional counselor I reserve the right to know that change is possible -- that love begets love. As you finish reading this, I challenge you to place your hand over your heart, close your eyes, and see yourself through your heart. To be completely accepting of all parts of yourself so that this acceptance, this radical compassion, can gain forward momentum.