Spring: A Rebirth

After a long winter, it is refreshing to know that spring is right around the corner. New life is happening all around you—the sweet melody of songbirds, the meditative sound of a river unthawing, the first flowers poking out of the ground. As we welcome these signs of spring, it is also a time of spiritual rebirth and rejuvenation. It is a time to nurture your being and stretch for optimal health and renewal.
Spring allows us the opportunity to awaken what is already within us as we begin to unfold, blossom, and develop, allowing the dawn of the vernal equinox to wash over us. How do we open ourselves into spring and create space for abundance, acceptance, and growth?
Let Go: Let go of things that are not serving you and that are weighing you down. Explore your creative energies that allow you to cultivate inner strength and bring your life more in balance. Get rid of clutter in your life and “spring clean” for emotional freedom and mental clarity.
Spend Time in Nature: Outside air improves the circulation of chi (qi) energy. Qi is the life force that permeates everything. Elevate that energy by going out in nature and taking a hike, planting flowers, or kayaking. Create a fitness plan that forces all that pent up winter stagnation out of your body and allows the toxins to be released through sweat. Get to know and appreciate Mother Earth and all that she offers.
Breathe: Breathe in the freshness of the spring air. Inhale slowly allowing the air to fill your lungs. Visualize that breath flowing down your torso, nourishing all the muscles in your body, and identifying those that feel especially tight. Listen to your body so that you can manifest healthy changes in your life during the transformation of the seasons. Breathe in complete acceptance, patience, and abundance, and remember that evolving is a process.
Detoxify Your Body: Feeling sluggish after the winter is the opportune time to drive out impurities and refuel the body with healthy ingredients. Begin by reducing or eliminating substances such as caffeine, refined sugars, and cigarettes. Also, consider the role stress has on your PEMS (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual health) and explore natural alternatives to transform stress to positive energy. Eat healthy. Green is the color of spring, so incorporate more leafy and green vegetables. Drop a lime or lemon slice into your drinking water.
Unleash Your Soul: Rebirth and blossoming does not happen in isolation. Remember, as you step out, also go within. In order to shed our winter skin, we need to go into the cavity of our soul and validate its light and its power. Allow your spirit to fly, untethered by any regrets. Learn to laugh. Practice gratitude. Mend relationships, including with yourself. Acknowledge feelings. Participate in exercises that uplift your soul.